
Showing posts from July 24, 2016

Pollock-Krasner House, Easthampton-their house and some paintings

Art Pollock-Krasner House, Easthampton Robert Alexander Boyle 15 June 2016  Situated some four miles east northeast of Easthampton is a rural homestead where the entire art world was turned upside down from a short film made there in 1950. The artist studio of Jackson Pollock, now known as the Pollock Krasner studio remains startling original to the way it looked when Pollock became world famous in a Hans Namuth film as Jack the Dripper. He had been the subject of articles in LIFE Magazine in 1949, and a leading exponent of  Abstract Expressionism when Namuth scheduled his visit a year later. The film shot on a concrete patio outside looking up through glass as Pollock applied his paint, captured the magic or painting as no film before or since. Pollock being Pollock inevitably name calling and temper tantrums ensued as the mercurial artist wearied of being followed around on camera. Tables were turned and glasses broken, even the painting done on camera was forg...


Chauvet Cave Then came the discovery of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave in southern France, a cave that contains the best-preserved figurative and earliest accepted cave paintings, ca. 38,000 BCE, in the world. When the discovery of Chauvet was announced, one researcher stated:  As far back in history as Lascaux is from the present day, Chauvet is equally distant back in history from Lascaux . The visual key however was that Chauvet cave imagery exhibited predominantly male animals.  But that is not the story here.


A Guide to the Emotional Cause of Your Physical Symptoms see also  Guide to Your Feelings According to author Louise Hay and scientist Bruce Lipton, physical symptoms are merely tangible evidence of what is going on in your unconscious mind and how you are REALLY feeling deep inside.  Author Calvin Banyan explains that your emotions play a crucial role in ensuring your needs are met.  If feelings are ignored, your subconsious mind must find another way to get its message across and help you see that your deeper needs are being ignored Symptoms are the way your body alerts you to to this.  There is a scientific explanation why all mammals show physical symptoms when they have an out-of-balance emotional state ... How does this happen?    Russian space scientists were the first to discover that every thought or feeling triggers the release of tiny chemical proteins called neuropeptides (NP's).   American cellular biologist Ca...

++ FLOW--TRANSCENDING ... To study the Buddha Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things.

The Transcendent Imperative At a time when our spiritual traditions struggle to remain relevant in a culture dominated by scientific materialism, Andrew Cooper considers the pros and cons of a new religious model based on the psychology of “flow.” By  Andrew Cooper WINTER 2005 The truth is that the more ourselves we are, the less self is in us. –Meister Eckhart In a glowing passage from  Anna Karenina,  Tolstoy describes an experience of self-transcendence with such color and detail that one feels its living quality as though from the inside. Oppressed by worry, the ruminative Konstantin Levin decides one day to work in the fields alongside the peasants, a highly unusual thing for a landowner, even one as eccentric as Levin, to do. Although unaccustomed to the hard physical labor, Levin eventually falls into a rhythm that washes away extraneous thoughts and brings his senses to life. Infected Lattice, 2003, ink on paper, 11 x 8.5 inches, © James Si...