
Showing posts from October 9, 2016

The Carefree Style of Pablo Picasso

The Carefree Style of Pablo Picasso 2 HOURS AGO  |  29 NOTES   Michael Alden has this great line over at The London Lounge. I’m paraphrasing here, but it’s something like: for all the overthinking, rule touting, and pseudo-scientific analysis these days over how men should dress, it’s notable that the most stylish men in history have been creative types. Painters, musicians, poets, actors, etc. Not the kind of people you can imagine pouring over their wardrobes and wrestling with the minutiae of how things must be worn.  Among the creative sort, there were few people who dressed better than Pablo Picasso. And oddly, he looked best when he was at home – dressed for private life, rather than public. Just do a Google Images search of him in Cannes, where he had his villa. You’ll pull up hundreds of photos of him dancing around his studio in baggy sweaters and drawstring pants; paint splattered smocks with sport shirts; and trim-cut shorts with leather...