Walking In The Natural World.......
Yesterday was a day out in nature. My biologist friend invited me to a place about 2 1/2 hours from Queretaro, Mexico, out in the boonies called El Peral, located at the end of the road behind Zamorano mountain between the states of Queretaro and Guanajuato. We went to the back, or north side, from where we live, thanks to Google earth, where one can look up and find these remote areas. We go and observe, study, take readings, collect, and set traps, mostly for insects, since Robert is an Entomologist, a bicho man. Bicho is the slang word for Bug in espaƱol, his specialty is weavels. Lately we've been having a lot of rain in the area, so a local person as our guide tooks us to see a beautiful water fall, about 80 meters, in a beautiful setting with huge boulders and beautiful wild flowers around, one in particular that struck me ,was in a shade of a cobalt blue- with a dab of violet, an incredible color . The person who took us on...