What is consciousness anyway?

What is consciousness anyway?
Is it a “tingly” warm feeling you get while meditating? Is it a mystical religious out of body experience? Well, for some maybe, but to the extent symbolic words metaphorically explain– it’s the ineffable quality of “what’s missing”.
So, let me clarify. Many have experienced the death of a beloved family member or pet and attended a viewing or funeral. Upon viewing the deceased, the “thing” that on inspection is “missing” is a first order “animating spark” of energy–that “gleam” in the eye, the certainty of an “I know you’re in there” presence. Some would say, the spirit, soul, or life essence–the creative energy force that animates and drives each of us toward its source. Consciousness is the pre-existent ‘is-ness’ or ‘I am-ness’ presence. It bemusedly and non-judgmentally regards ego and its “silly” antics a priori. Consciousness and love are synonymous.
But wait, didn’t René Descartes say “I think therefore, I am.” Yes, he did, but–in doing so he articulated the core error of who, and what humanness truly is. What Descartes meant to say was “I think therefore, I am ego.” Which begs the question, what is the abstract notion of ego?
Well, it’s the compulsive, distracting and noisily repetitive English voice in one’s head. The rudely “chatty” voice interfering with and interrupting your concentration while reading this article. Ego mind “rattles about” in one’s head, reaching back to re-play “newsreels” from the past creating anger, remorse, sorrow and regret, or reaching forward into the un-manifested future creating worry, anxiety, fear (of death) and foreboding–usurping control and draining one’s energy. Ego is at once, brilliant and dangerously mentally ill–repeatedly demonstrated in both the 20th and 21st centuries alone, it’s self-loathing murder of humanity during “societally approved” insane periods of warfare–escalating in psychopathic cruelty and efficiency with each new military technical advancement. Ego and hate are synonymous.
Hold on a second, you say–isn’t humanity’s creative development of culture, technology and the merits of modern contemporary society made possible by the ego mind’s scientific interface to reality via sight, sound, taste, touch and smell?
Well, yes and no.
Consider sight, for example, when a reflected light image enters the eye striking the retina, then somehow or another it passes through the Thalamus, ultimately reaching the Visual Cortex. To the best of our current scientific knowledge, no fiber optic glass fibers are threaded between the retina leading to the Visual Cortex, furthermore, it’s dark inside the skull. So, how does continuous, speed of light energy swiftly reach the visual cortex and become interpreted as an object? Is it multiple chemical pathways?
Fast synaptic junctions mediated by neural transmitters? No, what the human brain is in fact performing is Fourier Transform calculations, converting resonating energy densities into recognizable objects, all within the confines of the skull. Likewise, for lower energy sound waves, or resonating energy touch frequencies, or vibrating olfactory and taste frequencies. There is no “out there–out there.” All Fourier Transform interpretations occur within the confines of the human skull. The only “thing” that is physically present and “out there” is energy–a lot of energy, in all its myriad and remarkable forms–”knotted energy” as Buckminster Fuller referred to it. The brain, euphemistically, is a consciousness antenna of sorts receiving information from the field and imprinting generated memories (the past) on the energetic vacuum field milieu (the void) that everyone and everything is immersed in.
So, then–where does Unified Physics fit into the equation?
Well, like this:
64 Tetrahedron
This is an Icosahedral Vector Metric–so what, you say. One benefit for a famous physicist is that you may have physical constants named after you. The graphic above is also known as a Plank Spherical Unit (after Max Planck). Except in physics, it’s a physical constant, or the size of the smallest possible unit of light, and only 1.618 x 10⁻³⁵ meters in length (extremely small). It weighs 1 x 10⁻⁵ grams (very light). The diameter of a Proton is known, and it turns out that 1 x 10⁶⁰ (a lot of) Plank Spherical Units fit inside. If one multiplies the PSU weight (1 x 10⁻⁵ grams) by the number of PSU’s fitting inside a proton, you wind up with, not coincidentally, the mass of the universe 1 x 10⁵⁵ grams (extremely heavy). It’s here that the dichotomy of the very tiny micro environment of atoms, dovetail with the extremely large scaling cosmology of the universe.

So how does the “flower of life” relate to the Unified Energy Field, and the energy mentioned in the above? When one subtracts the circles from the picture above you’re left with the “sine qua non” essential skeletal structure of the zero point vacuum of space-time:
flower of Life
This skeletal framework is the most stable geometry known. Contained within each cubic centimeter (cm³ – the size of a sugar cube) of space, there is an energy density of 1 x 10⁹⁴ grams/cm³, or 11 tons of energy (exceedingly large amount). Even an extremely large thermonuclear explosion is just a tiny fraction of the aggregate energy potential from the entire space-time field.
The most obvious implication for modern society is an unlimited source of (zero-point) energy to power our homes, factories, cars, planes and so on. Wars fought for natural resource exploitation (oil, natural gas, coal) and other dwindling legacy energy sources would become a relic of the past, reducing the dependency on a currency driven economic model. Other environmental impacts would be quickly seen and our small green planet could begin to heal itself.


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